128. Piatto Misto alla Griglia

128. Piatto Misto alla Griglia 28,00 € gemischte Fleischplatte vom Grill,dazu Tagesgemüse und Backkartoffeln grilled mixed meat, served with vegetables and baked potatoes

124. Bistecca con Cipolle

124. Bistecca con Cipolle 25,00 € Rumpsteak vom Grill mit gerösteten Zwiebeln, dazu Tagesgemüse und Backkartoffeln grilled rump-steak with roasted onions, served with vegetables and baked potatoes

123. Bistecca ai Cantarelli

123. Bistecca ai Cantarelli 26,00 € Rumpsteak mit Pfifferlingen in Sahnesauce dazu Tagesgemüse und Backkartoffeln rump-steak with chanterelles in an cream sauce, served with vegetables and baked potatoes

122. Bistecca ai Funghi

122. Bistecca ai Funghi 25,50 € Rumpsteak mit frische Champignons in Sahnesauce, dazu Tagesgemüse und Backkartoffeln rump-steak with fresh mushrooms in cream sauce, served with vegetables and baked potatoes

121. Bistecca al Pepe verde

121. Bistecca al Pepe verde 25,00 € Rumpsteak in grüner Pfeffer-Sahnesauce,dazu Tagesgemüse und Backkartoffeln rump-steak with green pepper in a cream sauce, served with vegetables and baked potatoes

120. Bistecca alla Griglia

120. Bistecca alla Griglia 24,00 € Rumpsteak vom Grill, dazu Kräuterbutter, dazu Tagesgemüse und Backkartoffeln grilled rump-steak with herb butter, served with vegetables and baked potatoes