92. Saltimbocca di Pollo
92. Saltimbocca di Pollo 19,00 € Hähnchenbrustfilet mit Parmaschinken in Weißweinsauce, dazu Tagesgemüse und Backkartoffeln chicken breast filet with parma ham in a white wine sauce, served with vegetables and baked potatoes
91. Petti di Pollo al Gorgonzola
91. Petti di Pollo al Gorgonzola 17,50 € Hähnchenbrustfilet mit Gorgonzola-Sahnesauce, dazu Tagesgemüse und Backkartoffeln chicken breast filet with a gorgonzola cream sauce, served with vegetables and baked potatoes
90. Petti di Pollo al Pepe verde
90. Petti di Pollo al Pepe verde 17,00 € Hähnchenbrustfilet mit grünem Pfeffer in Sahnesauce, dazu Pommes Frites chicken breast filet with green pepper in cream sauce, served with french fries